Friday, September 4, 2015

Passport Crisis?

The headlines are ominous “A Passport Crisis is coming”.  But what does it really mean?

By now no doubt some of you have already seen the headlines about the impending doom regarding Passports.  No? Well let me be the first to tell you about it. 

Is YOUR passport ready to travel?

In 2007, rules changed requiring you to have a passport to visit Canada and Mexico.  The passport offices were so swamped, the backlog was unbelievable (hence the Crisis).  Within the next 24 months, all of these are set to renew.  As of today, no additional staff has been hired to take care of the expected backlog. 

Also, factor in the fact that this coming January another change is coming.  After January, if you run out of Visa pages, you have to obtain a new passport.  You can no longer obtain new Visa pages inserted (Two options are available: either 28 pages or 52 pages with no difference in cost.)  More than 90% of renewal passports have less than 2 Visa pages remaining.

Don’t forget, many countries now have requirements that your passport be valid for as much as 6 months after your expected RETURN. 

Children under the age of 16 only have passports that are good for 5 years.

With more people than ever traveling and getting passports, it only makes sense to get it early.  I mean, do you really want to have to cancel your trip because your passport is late?  Or perhaps you would prefer to spend  more money for the expedited processing? No?  Then renew or apply for your passport today!