Friday, January 2, 2015

Value vs Cost


Hope you had a happy holiday time with your family!  Things were hopping here at JMorris Travel this past month.  Took an impromptu cruise the week before Christmas and then the holidays REALLY ramped up!

The cruise really drove home the point of value vs cost.  Cost of vacation A vs vacation B maybe $100’s or $1000’s less—but when you look at value (which is what you get for your money) the difference may not be what you were expecting!  Who would have thought having the cost of soda included in your cruise price would be such a big thing!

I can tell you the cost, but only you can give it a value.  Having a stress free vacation is very valuable to me;  knowing that all meals are included is a great value to me;  however being able to lower the total cost of the vacation by chasing less expensive meals may be a value to you.

If Sally has her heart set on eating in Cinderella’s Castle the cost, while I might see no ‘value’ in using 2 Table Service Credits, may be extremely valuable and worthwhile to you.  Can you really put a price on her smile?    And how do you value the advice of taking a break in midday?  Parents of toddlers may find that the MOST valuable tip in the world, resulting in less meltdowns.  Parents of teens may find that a waste of time, cutting their valuable touring time down.   Value vs Cost is very subjective.

Yet another reason why your perfect vacation will not be the same as mine.  In fact, I am pretty sure it won’t be anywhere near the same.  My job is so much more than just taking your order or giving you a quote.  I listen to what you want and make sure you get it as close as possible to your budget.
Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter.  There will be a over view and comparison of my past two cruises.  Also, check out my Facebook page.  I will be adding tons of pictures in the coming days! (Hint: you will see some adorable pictures of a certain tiny sized "world" traveler!)
(a sneak peek at my little world traveler!)

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