Friday, February 19, 2016

...where have you been?

"Where have you been?"

I know a lot of you are wondering what is going on with my weekly blogs.  I admit, life got in the way.  I used the excuse that my daughter (who is my main photographer and photographic editor) has been swamped at school.  But in truth I have been unusually busy!

I have tons to write about, like finishing up my Disney trip and telling you all about my most recent trip.   But today, something came up in my Facebook feed that drove me crazy.  It was all about why you should avoid travel agents and travel professionals.  I tried to read it, really I did.  But the first point this person made was that travel agents are charging you almost double what you can find it for yourself!  Seriously?
If I could charge double for a trip, (and I am assuming this person is saying that we pocket the extra money) well, then I am seriously not making the kind of money I could be making!!  
While it is true that I do charge a service fee on some things, especially when you call me to book your air only; for the most part I get paid by the supplier (like Disney or Universal) for servicing your trip.  The price the supplier gives me is exactly what you are finding it for online.  They don't cut me a deal and sell it to me cheaper, and they don't sell it to you cheaper just because you book direct.  
It is kind of like saying electricians are being paid too much because you can buy the wire cheaper online...but what good is the wire without the knowledge of what to do with it?  You are paying for thier knowledge and expertise, and the peaceful feeling that you get not having to worry about your house burning down because  you wired the fan wrong!
It irks me that some people might read this and believe it.  Then you add in the Multi Level Marketing "Travel Clubs" that say you can travel for free... well it really diminishes our value.  Our value, MY value, comes in my knowledge and training of the specific product and destination.  It comes from the relationship I have with the suppliers I use to plan your vacation.  That relationship may not mean anything to you now, but let a problem arise and I can assure you it will!  
It is the details of your vacation journey that will make or break a trip.  

Anyway, I felt I had to respond to that silly blogger.  I seriously hope she isn't on one of those cheap trips she booked for herself when there is a problem.  On a weekend.  In the middle of the night.  Who is SHE going to call?

Be looking for some more Disney updates.  I promise SOON!

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